Have you ever made up your mind on a lovely day that you will get your life together by the next morning but still couldn’t do that? I know exactly how that feels and what you need is some time management tips.
One of my main goals for 2020 was to treat my blog like a business and make it flourish. Each day, I try to do one or two things that will help my blog in one way or the other. Of course, they are days where I just want to quit blogging and try something different but there is always this tiny voice in my head that keeps telling me to work harder.
My blog has been live for about 22 months now so it’s still in its early stages so that means I still have a lot of things to do and put in place.
In this post, I will be sharing my top time management tips that help me to get so much done in a short time.
Table of Contents
How to get things done in a short time
Start with the right mindset
Having the right mindset is very important. When you wake up every morning, look into the mirror, and tell yourself you can do this. Motivate yourself. You will be surprised by how far that can take you.
Stop multitasking
I can’t overemphasize this one. When you try to do so many things at once, you will end up doing nothing at all. I can testify to that. What I love to do is to batch work, taking one task at a time.
Break down big tasks into smaller ones
One of the reasons why we sometimes don’t get things done is because everything looks intimidating and overwhelming. But when you break down your tasks into smaller ones, you will figure out they are easier than they look.
Set deadlines
Setting deadlines will make you want to get things done before it’s due. Set deadlines for each task you plan on doing. My deadlines normally range from a couple of hours to a few days depending on what I am working on. Because of the deadlines I set, it motivates me to get it done before it’s due.
Remove distractions
This is something I struggle with from time to time but I am slowly becoming more focused. Distractions are dangerous because they stop you from doing what you’re meant to do. One of the major distractions we are all struggling with is social media. What I love to do now is to restrict them on my phone or computer whenever I am working. I turn off all notifications and sometimes even uninstall the apps until I am done. It helps a lot.
Focus on what matters only
If what you’re planning on doing is not going to contribute to whatever you’re working on, then it’s not worth spending time on it. Make sure whatever you’re doing is beneficial to you.
Only take what you can finish
When we are planning our day, we like to add so many things to our to-do list and end up not doing half of them, unfortunately.
Take tasks you can finish within a certain period. I normally take just 2-3 tasks maximum in a day and that has been working fine for me. Sometimes, I take only one in a day. It all depends on how much time you want to spend on it and how big is that task. Take only what you can finish.
Prioritize tasks
Tackle task based on how important they are to you. When you prioritize, you end up getting a better result. I am normally more productive and focused in the morning so I try to do the most important things during that time because I know I will get it done quickly and the end products will always be fantastic. Find out when you’re most productive and do your most important task during that time.
Get more organized
Get into a routine. This is why I believe everyone needs a planner. Planners help you to have your thoughts organized, make sure you know what you’re suppose to do for the day and even allows you to brain dump to clear your mind. Get yourself a planner and organize your life with it.
Don’t procrastinate
Last but not the least, don’t procrastinate. Have you ever wondered how much you would’ve achieved so far in life if you never procrastinated? I still regret procrastinating.
Procrastination is the enemy of success. Just because you can postpone something doesn’t mean you should.We all have 24 hours in a day and they way you spend each day will determine how your future will be. If you spend your days just scrolling through your Instagram feed and Facebook timeline, you will one day realize that you’ve wasted your time on something that is so meaningless. But if you decide to spend each day working on your goals, you will be exactly where you want to be.
That’s it for you guys. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did while writing it and I hope you take one or two tips and actually try them out.
What are your favorite time management tips? Do you think time management tips will actually help you? Let me know in the comments.
I know you still have a few more minutes to spare so why don’t use check out these posts? They are some of our favorites:
* How to plan your most productive week
* How to make your day 10 times more productive
* Productive things to do when you’re bored
Thank you for reading!
Great post! I’m so disorganised recently with the blogging and full time job, I definitely need some of these tips. Thanks for sharing x
I know right! Being organized helps a lot. Thank you for reading.
I have an alert that goes off on my phone with a daily message to myself to help me “start with the right mindset”. I literally will forget each morning unless that little ding goes off to remind me!
That’s amazing! I just write down my to do list in this to do list app that I love. Every time I pick up my phone, I see what I need to get done for the day. Helps a lot! Thank you for reading!
The best time management skill I’ve adopted lately is TIME BLOCKING! It really helps me stay on track and I always get more done then I intended too!
I have to agree. Time blocking is very important if you want to get things done. Thank you for reading!
Great tips! Having a to do list is one of the most important part of time management. I always feel accomplished crossing things off my list.
I really like this site. My big problem is not setting realistic goals and of course, procrastinating. There is so much to do but I know that I need to take it piecemeal (so to speak) and focus on 1 important task at a time.
Thanks for the great tips!!
Kathy T.
Hey, thank you so much for the kind words. Tackling tasks bits by bits is the way forward. Don’t try and do so many things at once or you will end up doing nothing at all