Study timetable for a student
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So you finally decided to get your life together and become a better student this year. That’s a bold step you’ve taken and I am proud of you.
The one thing all A* students have in common is that they all have some sort of study plan. They just don’t study what they feel like or when they feel like it. They have a study timetable that they follow.
In today’s post, I will be showing you how to create the perfect study timetable. but before we get into that, let me answer a few questions you might have.
FAQs about a study timetable
Why do I need a study timetable?
A study timetable is completely optional. However, if you want to get organized and make the most of each day as a student, having a study timetable is essential.
- It makes sure you’re studying all your subjects/ courses without neglecting any.
- It helps you to become more consistent with studying.
- It keeps you prepared for any pop-up quiz or test you might have.
For how long do I need to study each day?
2 hours At least. Always try and get 2 hours of studying done each day. If you can study for more hours, do it but make sure you’re taking breaks. This will help you to stay focused while studying.
A lot of students have to balance school with other things like work, business, or family. This is why a study timetable is great. It allows you to allocate time for studying and other activities.

What’s the best time to study?
In the morning! Studying in the morning has changed my study routine. The mornings are usually very peaceful, and quiet and you probably woke up not long ago so your brain hasn’t been occupied by other things. That’s the perfect time to study in my opinion.
The second best time to study is at night before you go to bed. After you’re done unwinding, study and then sleep. Since that’s the last thing you did, your brain will probably retain it.
Studying when the sun is at its peak is not advisable. I don’t know if I’m the only one but I can’t study anywhere from 12 pm to 3:30 pm. I rather use that time to do something else that doesn’t require too much focus like a hobby or make some money online.
I hope this answers some of your questions now let’s get into the fun part.
How to create the perfect study timetable for a student
Find out your learning style
Just the way all of us are different, our ways of learning are unique to each person. Find out what kind of learner are you. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or at night? If you prefer to study in the morning, this means that you have to move other activities to later in the day and make use of the morning to study and vice versa.
Make a list of all your courses/subjects and rank them
Make a list of all the courses/subjects you’re offering this semester and rank them.
There are so many ways of ranking your courses. You can do it by the grades you think you can achieve for each course, by how easy or difficult you think each course is, or by course credits. This means that courses with higher credits are more important and will affect your GPA more than courses with lower credits.
After you’re done ranking them, give more priority to the ones you think you might get bad grades on (if you ranked them by grades), the ones you find more difficult, or the ones with higher credit loads.

I prefer to use the grade ranking method because the goal is to pass all your classes with good grades. After my analysis, the courses I find difficult are probably the ones that I might fail if care isn’t taken which are probably the ones with higher credit loads. This means that I need to spend more time studying them. As you can see everything sorted itself out.
Make a list of other activities that are important to you
Want to start a new hobby? an Etsy shop? Make a list of everything you want to do beside studying and assign how much time you want to spend on each activity. This will allow you to block out time for it because there is more to life than studying, right?
Don’t forget to add breaks
Breaks while studying are very important because you and your brain need some rest. Make sure you schedule breaks in between long study sessions. Use this time to practice self care or do your skincare routine or take a nap.
Bring it all together in a paper or planner
Now that you have all the necessary information you need, bring it all together in your study timetable. If you have the academic planner notion template, there is a really good study planner inside already. All you have to do is input your details and you can start using it right away. You can also simply make one on a piece of paper. Im a digital girlie so i use notion for everything.

Final thoughts on the perfect timetable for a student
As you can see, creating a study timetable is very easy. This is what I have been doing since my freshman year and it has helped me so much.
Creating a study timetable is not enough. You have to discipline yourself to stick to it. I think that’s the hardest part of it all.
After creating a study schedule, try it out for at least 30 days. See how you’re enjoying it and track your academic performance. If you’ve seen an improvement in your test grades, your assignments, and your participation in class, that means it’s working. If not, you can always go back to make a few changes. But make sure you try it out for at least 30 days. Following it for just a week isn’t enough time to gather your data. Give it time and be disciplined.
I hope you found this helpful. if you did, let me know in the comments if you have a study timetable or if you plan on creating one after reading this.
Dont forget to grab your academic notion planner before you leave!
Here are more helpful posts that can help you in your leveling up journey as a student:

Very useful.
you’re welcome 🙂
Very useful.