How to get rid of dark underarms naturally
Table of Contents
I just want to start by saying dark underarms are completely normal. You’re not dirty and it’s nothing major. But normally, your underarms should be the same color as the rest of your body.
Dark underarms have made a lot of people quite insecure about wearing certain clothes and with summer fast approaching, we can change that. You need to be confident about yourself.
Without any further delay, let’s get started
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What causes dark underarms?
We can’t treat a problem without finding out where the problem originates from. Here are a couple of things that cause dark underarms:
deodorants and antiperspirants (chemical irritants)
shaving (irritation and abrasion)
dead skin cell accumulation (lack of exfoliation)
friction (tight clothes)
smoker’s melanosis (hyperpigmentation caused by smoking)
hyperpigmentation (increased melanin)
acanthosis nigricans (often a sign of diabetes, obesity, or abnormal hormone levels)
erythrasma (bacterial infection)
melasma (dark patches on the skin)
Addison’s disease (damaged adrenal gland)
What to do going forward?
Some of these causes can be avoided and here are some of the changes you need to make immediately:
1. Stop shaving
Shaving is one of the top causes because razor blades are abrasive and can damage the top skin layer. Shaving lasts for only 2-3 days and you will have to do that all over again. This causes irritation And dark underarms. Here is what you can do instead: Waxing, sugaring, or laser. sugaring and waxing can last for up to 2 weeks and the laser can be forever after several sessions. They are quite painful but definitely worth it. you can even try sugaring at home. all you need is some sugar, lemon juice, and water. Here is a very helpful youtube video you can watch to learn more about sugaring and how to do it.
2. Exfoliate more regularly
Please exfoliate At least twice a week to get rid of the dead skin cells. When you don’t exfoliate, those dead skin cells build up and make the area look dark. You can simply make your own scrub at home by mixing sugar in a bowl, some oil, and a few drops of lemon juice. the lemon juice is optional. You can also buy the body scrub from any store. I love the tree hut body scrubs and they are very affordable.
3. Switch your deodorants/ antiperspirants to alcohol-free ones
The deodorant you use can contribute to your dark underarms. Always go for deodorants that are alcohol-free and aluminum free. A lot of people have been raving about The Ordinary glycolic acid 7% exfoliating toning solution and how it’s such a great substitute for deodorants. many have also claimed that they noticed their underarm areas getting brighter since they started using the toner. I personally haven’t tried it yet but I will let you know when I do so.
4. Start wearing more loose-fitting clothes to avoid friction

How to get rid of dark underarms naturally
There are so many remedies out there that claim to work but I can’t try all of them so here are 5 that I have personally tried and they actually work.
Note: these won’t work overnight, unfortunately. You need to be consistent for At least 2 weeks before you start seeing the results you want. Don’t give up too soon.
Tumeric + lemon juice
Mix your Tumeric powder and lemon juice in a small bowl. Apply on your underarms and leave it for about 5 minutes. Repeat 3 times a week. Note: the Tumeric might stain your pits at first so bear that in mind. Also, avoid using this mask if you have a major event coming up because your underarms will be stained for a few days.
Using lemons to lighten underarms can irritate sensitive skin, and cause rashes or some other kind of reaction. Potatoes aren’t as acidic as lemons and are a better option for sensitive skin. The citric acid in potatoes is milder and, even though they work at a slow pace, they give desired results too.
Cut your potatoes into slices and rub them on your underarms. Wash it after 10mins and repeat daily for best results.
Baking soda + apple cider vinegar
You can mix the baking soda with water if you have very sensitive skin but I like to mix mine with apple cider vinegar because they both help a lot when it comes to lightning.
Mix your baking soda with a little amount of apple cider vinegar to form a paste. Apply it on and leave it for about 5-10 minutes. Rinse off and repeat 2 times a week
I first used cucumber to get rid of my dark circles and surprisingly it works great for lightning underarms. Cut your cucumber into slices and apply it to the affected areas. Repeat twice daily for best results.
Greek yogurt
I was shocked as well. Greek yogurt actually works. I first saw this on TikTok and I was like “ I need to try this” because it was too good to be true. It actually works. Just get any Greek yogurt (the one with no sugar) and apply that to your underarms. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes and then wash it off. Repeat as frequently as possible for the best results.
Final thoughts on How to quickly brighten your dark underarms naturally
That brings us to the end of this post. I hope you found a few things beneficial here. Make sure you try At least 2 of these remedies and let me know if it works out for you. Also, you can use these on any other dark areas you have like your inner thighs, your knees, and elbows. It all works for them as well.
Thank you for reading and let me know in the comments which paste you will be trying out first to help you get rid of your dark underarms.
I used to suffer from dark underarms and switching deodorants helped a lot. I know this is an issue for many people out there! Thanks for talking about it and giving some great suggestions!