Do you find it difficult to stay focused and want to know how to stay focused while studying? I’ve got you!
Whenever I picked up my complex analysis note to study, I would find myself daydreaming and making up scenarios that would never happen, even in my wildest dreams.
Staying distracted while studying can make you spend much more time on a course/subject than you should.
In this post, I am going to show you a few steps you can take today to help you stay more focused while studying. They are so easy to implement and will have a huge positive impact on your studying time. let’s get right into it.
How to stay focused while studying
Table of Contents

Turn off your wifi(and mobile data)
This will probably be one of the huge decisions you have to make but it’s all worth it. Having notifications and messages coming in while trying to study is a huge distraction. Once you pick up your phone to check what came in, you will find yourself scrolling TikTok or Instagram for hours. It’s all part of the devil’s scheme. Once you’re trying to get some work done, turn off your wifi and mobile data and keep your phone aside. No notifications, no distractions, just a focused student trying to Ace all her/his papers (can I get an Amen for that?)
Have a clean study space
First of all, if you want to get some serious studying at all costs, avoid your bed. That’s how to stay focused while studying. If you have a desk in your room, make sure it’s clean and doesn’t have anything that will distract you on top of it. Also, don’t place your desk in front of your window because before you know it, you’re counting how many cars have passed your neighborhood that morning or trying to see what Karen is up to this time around. Don’t do that! Place your desk in front of a wall and keep only the essential studying materials on it.
Write down your goals for each study session
If you haven’t gotten a copy of my study planner or my student planner, then you’re totally missing out! Writing down your goals for each study session will help you to stay organized and really motivated to get things done. It’s such a cool hack I am glad I know about. If you want to know more about my study planner and how to even create your study plans, then make sure you check this post out. (It opens in a new tab so don’t worry about sweetheart)
Set timers for each task
Setting timers for tasks is one of the most genius things I have heard about. Seriously, whoever came up with this idea deserves a medal. When you set a timer for a study session, your mind will automatically get into this competition mode where it will try to get the job done before the timer goes off and you will find yourself fully focused and trying so hard to understand before it goes off. Writing your goals down and setting a timer for them will literally make you the most productive you have ever been.
Work for short intervals
While setting a timer is great, make sure you don’t overwork yourself. Take breaks as often as needed. I highly recommend setting a timer for 30-45 mins max for each task and then taking a 10-15 mins break. This will stop you from being exhausted and losing the motivation to even study at all.
Understand the condition you study best in
Some people will tell you to play some low music in the background while studying. Others will tell you to go somewhere noisy. I honestly believe that all depends on the kind of person you are. I can only fully focus while studying if I’m in a very, very quiet environment. Noise distracts me easily and this is why I study very early in the morning (listening to the birds chirping is the only thing that doesn’t distract me) most of the time. I suggest you try all the different environments and see which one helps you focus better while studying.
Get some fresh air during your breaks
Don’t stay in the same place when you’re taking your breaks. Try and go outside a get some fresh air or do something fun. This will help you to relax and get your mind off studying for a while giving your brain a chance to refresh.
Remember why you’re studying in the first place
Always remember your whys. Why am I doing this? Why do I want to study so hard? Why do I want to Ace all my papers? Reflecting on your whys is a great way to refocus and set your intentions. A lot of people ask me why did I choose to study industrial chemistry when I know it’s very difficult.
My whys are endless but if I’m going to have to mention two, then it’s because I want to create something that the world has never seen before (A cure for cancer perhaps) and I just want to make my parents proud. I want them to look at me and be so proud that I am their daughter. Dream big but also study hard to make them come true.
Final thoughts on how to stay focused while studying
That brings us to the end of this post. I hope this has helped you to know how to stay focused while studying from now on. Let me know in the comments section below what your biggest distraction is right now.
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