Having a planner for college will literally make your life so easy and I just created the best planner for college.
College is a lot and you might sometimes find yourself completely disorganized and overwhelmed with all the things you need to do. I was once like you and I learned that the key to staying organized and even productive was getting a planner. Writing down the things you need to do will actually make you do it because nothing feels better than checking things off your to-do list. Am I right?
Why I created the best student planner
Table of Contents
You might be wondering why I decided to create mine when I could just buy it. Well, the part of the world where I live doesn’t have a lot of college planners. In fact, they don’t offer a lot of any type of planner at all. The ones they offer are ridiculously expensive and don’t even have the pages I need. so I decided to create mine.
I am currently a final year student so I know what pages are necessary and which are not for a successful school year. At the end of this post, you will understand why this is the best student planner for anyone in college and even high school.
Best student planner
I am going to break down this planner for you so that you can see why this planner is the best student planner. Let’s get into it.
Goals page

Everything you do in this life should have an end goal. I decided to place this page at the very beginning so that you can always see the reasons why you’re doing what you’re doing. This goals page comes with 4 boxes where you can write down your academic, financial, physical/mental, and lifestyle goals. Remember that you’re most likely to achieve something when you write it down.
Year at a glance

Just like the name implies, this is where you can quickly write down all important things that are happening each month so that you can keep track of them each month. I use mine to write down important things like major exams happening, holidays, exciting events, etc.
Daily planners

This is one of my favorite pages. I am obsessed with these daily planners. They are so functional and you can even use them if you’re not a college student. I love to time block because it helps a lot with productivity. So I made sure I included this because a lot of planners don’t have it.
For my fellow time blockers, the hourly schedule goes from 6 am all the way to midnight. Now that right there is #plannergoals. The other daily planner also has a time blocker but for that one, you get to insert your own time! Now that’s what flexibility is all about. Your planner, your time!

If you prefer to write a to-do list, I made sure I left enough space for that. Just write and cross off as you go.
They both come with places to write down reminders and goals for the day and those come in handy especially if you’re forgetful.
Weekly planners

I love to write down my daily plans but also, writing down your goals and plans for a whole week in one paper is amazing! If you’re someone that doesn’t have the time to write down daily plans, then these weekly plan papers will be perfect for you. This also comes in 2 versions so you get to use the one that works best for you.
Monthly schedule

If a daily or weekly planner doesn’t work for you, then a monthly schedule will surely do. Just write down everything you have to get done that month and you’re good to go for 30 days/4 weeks!
Class schedule
This page right here is one of the most important pages in my college life. I need to know when I am having my classes so that I can plan other things around it.
Just write in your course codes in the time slots the class will be holding and you will see the rest of the time you have and what you can use it for.
Well, I am sure you’re wondering why it runs till midnight. We sometimes have tutorial classes after dinner and night classes when necessary so I figured out writing those down too is as important as any other classes. medical students and engineering students can relate as well because those are regular for them.
Class and course overview

The Class overview is a page to easily keep track of your classes, the venue, time and so much more. This would’ve made my life easier in my freshman year because I had a hard time remember the names of lectures halls and where they were located.
The course overview is for more in-depth tracking of each class. This allows you to write down important dates regarding each class, assignments, course modules and so much more.
Assignment and exams tracker

These 2 pages are a must for every college planner but guess how many planners have them? Just one and that is this planner. Assignment tracker is a page to keep track of all your assignments from all courses on one page and I think that’s very cool. You get to write down the due dates for each one and check it off once it’s done. The same goes for the exam tracker which can also be used to track tests.
Study planners

what exactly are you doing in college if you’re not studying? These study planners are a must!
These are some of the pages are I am constantly using. I love these and I wished I had them when I was just starting college.
The study planner allows you to craft your study schedule and write down what you want to study in the morning, afternoon, and evening every week. The daily study plan allows you to be more specific about what you want to study and how exactly you want to study it and your priorities for the day. How amazing is that?!
These study planners paired with the daily planners are a deadly productivity combo! You will be shocked by how productive you can get.
Goal planner and tracker

This can also be used as a project planner and tracker. If you have some serious goals you want to accomplish, this goal planner will be your bestie. It allows you to write down your plans, strategies, and action steps you can take. This can also be used for goals that are not college-related at all.
Habit trackers
Our habits make or break us. In college, you need to have certain habits if you want to succeed. I figured out that adding a habit tracker to this planner will make it easier for you to start new habits and keep daily track of them. It also pushes you to do that certain thing till it finally becomes a part of you. Some of the habits I am currently tracking are :
Drinking 10 cups of water a day
Reading for at least 4 hours daily
Working out for 30 minutes every morning
Learning something new and
Doing something nice for someone. This could be just smiling at them.
You can decide to track the habit for 30 days or Just 7 days depending on your preference.
Fitness goals

A whole page dedicated to fitness. Keep track of your weight, your measurements, milestones and so much more. This will be great when summer is around the corner and you want to lose a few inches here and there.
Monthly budget

This is exactly the monthly budget I use that helps me to live on just $110/month as a college student. You need to keep track of your income and expenses because life is expensive! It comes in 2 styles so you can use the one that is more practical for you.
Savings plan

Another awesome page if you want to save up money for something like a new laptop or a holiday. It’s very easy to use. If you have a hard time saving, here are a few useless things you need to stop buying if you want to save money. Start there.
Meal planner

Food is bae! But eating outside all the time is a no-no. Using these pages to easily plan out your meals weekly. Planning your meals weekly will help you to know what you need to buy when you go grocery shopping and it will also help you to use up all the food items you already have.
This is just an empty page you can use to write any other thing like a shopping list or even doodles. The list of things you can use this page to do is endless!
Final thoughts on the best planner for college
This planner is so amazing and I hope you can now agree with me that this is the best planner for college. In fact, this is the best student planner out there!
I wanted it to be very cute yet so functional. The best part is that it is printable so all you need to do is get the files and print them anywhere, even at home!
You can also decide to print out just the pages you want to use and it comes in two sizes A4 and A5 which you can also scale to your preferred size!
I can’t wait for you to get your hands on it and see how much it will change your life.

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